How much does the processing fee cost for bookings made for businesses in Kosovo? Depending on the amount, however, it accounts for 3-7% of the total deposit amount. Have any special requirements? If so, don't worry! During the procedure of filling in the booking form, we have a separate set of requirements. Simply fill it in and the restaurant owner / manager or singer (depending on what and who you are booking) will see it and then he will either accept it or reject it. Either way, you will, however, come to an agreement that will make your day even better. businesses Welcome to our new 'Shop A Tenth Way' shop for organizing Albanian weddings in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Germany, England, France, etc. Do you want bookings to happen while you're sleeping, while on vacation, or having a date with friends? If so, sign up today by clicking here! How Much Does Business Membership Cost? The price for a full year membership of your MyDasma business will be 165 euros. Do you see? With this amount of money, you, or your business, will be exposed to the torrent of hundreds of thousands and millions of customers willing to pay even 100 times the membership fee of 165 euros. Therefore, get one year membership, NOW, without wasting time. Click here! You have nothing to lose, because if you remain dissatisfied with your MyDasma membership for the first 2 months, you can freely ask for your money without the slightest doubt. Absolutely not! Why do you need to sign up for MyDasma? It is not just a matter of booking, but you will get an entire perfect management system in your hands, no matter where you are or where you live or on the globe. You will control and manage your calendar by highlighting the days on which you (the singer), or your restaurants are free (available) to members who will constantly be on the hunt for more the best service and the best product. You highlight (overshadows) your free days with a single click, displaying them in your MyDasma account. For example: if you are a restaurant owner, you can set up up to 3 menus in your Mydasma account (grocery list). Then, each reservation will be registered (marked, listed) in your account and, automatically, you will be able to see all reservations and other details (such as: Date and time Number of guests (people) Selected menu Full details (details) of the member Any special requests. If you are a restaurant owner, we will be adding new details and new features to the business and the business every day. You will benefit far more than you might have thought at first. What do I need to register? Businesses in Kosovo About 2 minutes of your time to fill out the registration form. While Kosovo does not yet have an international PayPal transaction system (in fact, no international system of this kind operates in Kosovo), we need your bank account information so that we can we transfer there (to your bank) all payments made to you. And, so. Nothing more. Already, you are subscribed to the only online platform of Albanian weddings and holidays, MyDasma. Get Your Account Ready - What Do You Need? Now it's entirely up to you what you put into your MyDasma account so that our members can see, but we still recommend that you decide: At least 4 really beautiful pictures (you have room for 20 of them. Later on, many more). At least one video featuring your services (you have room for 3 of them, much later). Organize your calendar (schedule) Check / traverse your calendar and let us know when you are available and in what timeframe. If you are a restaurant owner, set the menu there Prices, too. Restaurants: per person (guest) Singers: for weddings / cheerleaders Businesses in Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro It takes about 2 minutes to complete the registration form. You need to have a business account with PayPal so you can get the "Account key". You will put this "Account Key" into your MyDasma account so that any payments made to your account come directly to your PayPal account. Please note that PayPal charges its own rates (2.4% - 3.4%) for each transaction made. To find out more about this issue, click on the links below: Albania - Montenegro – https: // Macedonia-https: //